Ginger Shot Goodness


”Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

I’m convinced ginger was at the top of Hippocrates’s list …as ginger is one of the absolute best substances you can put in your body. We have this little “gut colony” in our digestive tract, and ginger is its best friend. Not only is it nourishing to the healthy beneficial bacteria in our gut, it is highly supportive for the liver …which is constantly working to detoxify all the bad that manages to creep into our bodies …through food & our environment. Ginger helps support this high-level organ that is always working on high when you live a fast paced life …which most of us do. Ginger also has wonderful thermogenic properties, which support metabolic health and help maintain great energy levels as well as providing a great immunity boost.

I don’t recommend store-bought ginger shots because by the time they make it to you, they have lost all their “aliveness” …which means they have essentially lost 90% of their effectiveness inside the body. As soon as the nutrition breaks away from the fiber in the ginger, it needs to be consumed (within a few minutes). Don’t store it or save it …shoot it right then, and only make enough to consume in that sitting. 

I have a Breville Juice Plus Elite Extractor and its super easy cleanup. I know people have masticator type juicers, but I prefer the extractors because of the lower maintenance. Extractors DO actually give you about 10% more juice, but that extra 10% was not enough of a trade-off for me for the extra washing! So I chose the extractor. 

Just a little trick:  I tend to mix my fresh ginger juice in with lemon juice …as lemon actually softens the blow of a ginger shot. If you have had one, you already know what i mean. It is a spicy, very potent blast of really hot flavor …all of which is about to course through your digestive tract with love and life for your body! 

Choose your ginger pieces (about a big thumb’s worth for one serving, and one lemon (if you are including lemon …its optional). Run the lemon and the ginger through your juicer, pour into a little shot glass and shoot that sucker back! I warn you, it will burn, and in about 5 minutes your whole body will be tuned to a higher frequency and working that much more effectively after the wonderful gift you just gave it !! While I would LOVE to do this daily, I only manage to get it done a few times a week, but I can definitely feel a difference when I don’t. Try it out. You won’t regret it!